'Brawl stars' will take some time for its global release confirmed by Supercell

Tousif 12:10:00
brawl_stars_game, Brawl stars android release

About one month ago, Supercell released their latest title "Brawl stars". Unlike the previous soft launches of "Clash royale" or "Clash of clans", this game soft-launched on iOS and limited to Canada at this moment. While the iOS gamers are enjoying the game very much, Android people are eagerly waiting for the game. On their official Reddit forum, Supercell finally revealed something about the global release.

When is the global release?

According to the official Reddit page of "Brawl stars", this game will take some time before it goes live on the store for the public. The game is still under development and they are checking out everything inside the game so that when the game will be launched globally it can give the gamers a brand new experience without any troubles.

They have also mentioned that the game uses a unique system of local servers. This means there will be different gaming environments based on the gamer's locale. Right now Supercell is only having server in Canada and their server for the rest of the world is not ready yet. The team is working hard to polish, improve and test every possible aspect the game. Meanwhile, their team is working hard to ensure a better gaming experience, Supercell is gathering feedbacks from their current players to see what players love and what needs to be adjusted. once they feel that the game is in good shape, they will think about the global release as stated by the Finnish gaming giants.

From the previous histories, we find that for a supercell game it takes more or less three to four months for its global release after the soft launch.

Back in January 2016, Supercell soft launched "Clash royale" on iOS. After two months of the iOS soft launch, the game was out for Android soft launch and just one month later the game finally had its global release. So if Supercell is following the same pattern once again then the time is not too far when Android users will be able to give their hands on this game.

However, "Brawl Stars" is a little bit different than the previous Supercell games. As they have mentioned about the unique server system which is completely based on locations, so this might take a while before it goes live for the rest of the world. What the gamers can expect from Supercell is an amazing experience just like their previous games has provided, and making the gamers wait and pushing continuous updates might be the clues for it.

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